Preserving Christmas
Short Film
Writen and Directed by Steven Gallagher
Will for Short Productions
Log line
A bully earns an unforgettable Christmas after his practical jokes push a mortician to an unexpected house call.
Moe Brooks (Troy Halverson) is the mortician who gets picked on by town bully Tim Russell (Russ Bryan) one time too many. So Moe visits Tim's family as Santa Death to teach the bully a permanent lesson. After that, Christmas will always be the same.
10/2014 Shelved pending technical issues
04/2014 "Christmas in July" Trailer released
04/2013 Post production
03/2013 Principal photography in Macon and Byron
02/2013 Casting
01/2013 Video audition
Russ Bryan as bully Tim Russell |
Troy Halverson plays Moe Brooks |
Joseph Lavender is the sheriff deputy |
Bob Lanoue plays Mr. Russell |
Lisa Fulford as Mrs. Russell |
Manon Guy as sister Kate Russell |
Danny Hollis plays Tom’s friend Billy |
William Luther as brother Tom |