Writers Block

Weekly Improv Comedy Show

An Improvised Novel for Drunks Who Don't Read

Weekly from December 1st, 2010, through January 2011


Troy Halverson, Kellan Meador, Noe Gonzales, Charles Islas, and Justino Palacios


I usually played the narrator in this improvised hour-long romp, making up chapters and a story-line based on a fictitious book title we got from the audience. Think Alistair Cook from Masterpiece Theatre except my scenic interlocutions drove the improvisors into ever darker chapters of the unwritten story. Performed on Wednesday nights, the show was light entertainment, for a light crowd, of folks sipping a cold one from the bar.


The germ for this show was Kellan's idea for every show to be interpretted in the style of Chuck Paliahniuk novels. We managed to pull that off twice, I think, before opening it up to any style inspired by the title we got from the audience. Much easier.