Commercial TV and Industrials

Film Acting

State Bar of Georgia - PSA

Suicide Prevention Public Service Announcement. 30-sec TV Spot More...

Role: Principal - prosecuting attorney
Written and Directed by
Garrett DeHart
New Lexicon Productions

TV Commercials

MARTA - Don’t Beg

MARTA promotes 'Mind Your Manners' on public transportatation; Troy Halverson portrays inappropriate begging in this PSA-styled industrial. By Ad Girl Consulting. More...

Role: Lead - sly panhandler
Directed by Ad Girl Consulting
Written by Troy Halverson
Ad Girls

Industrial - Commercials

Jim Ellis - RSS Epidemic

Troy Halverson plays the nervous car sales man in a couple Jim Ellis commercials about Reverse Sticker Shock. Carroll-White Advertising. Whoa! Films. More...

Role: Lead - mild-mannered salesman
Directed by Bill Osirich
Written by Brent Carroll
Carroll-White Advertising

TV Commercials

The Georgia Tech Advantage

Troy Halverson plays 'Uncle Bob' and narrates this college promotion video for Georgia Tech More...

Role: Lead - narrator, mentor
Georgia Tech Foundation

Industrial - Commercials