January 2008
Relapse - Improv Comedy
Due to demand, The Relapse Players is now performing two shows a week, Fridays and Thursdays.
Raw-dog improv at Relapse Theatre. This month I was in 6 of the shows.
$7, cash only, $5 with student id, show at 9:30 PM, doors open at 9:00.
Friday, 01/18: Bob hosted the show with me, Ed, Derek, Noe, Charles, Anthony, and Lisa making up the cast.
Thursday, 01/17: Anthony hosts tonight with me, Joe Baird, Kellan Meador, and Steve 'Frogpie' Ford in the cast.
Friday, 01/11: Bob hosts me, Brad, Noe, Kristy, Anthony, Derek, and Charles.
Thursday, 01/10: Derek Mize hosts tonight with me, Joe Baird, Kellan Meador, and Brad Binkley in the cast of The Relapse Theatre Players improv troupe.
Friday, 01/04: Bob hosts tonight with me, Brad Binkley, Derek Mize, Joe Baird, Noe Gonzalez, and Shellie Schmalls.
Thursday, 01/03: Derek hosts the Relapse Players tonight with me, Lisa, Joe, Kellan, Jon, and Shellie in the cast.
Richard Kickers - Improv Mixer
The Richard Kickers show mixes improvisors from around Atlanta, every Tuesday night at Relapse Theatre. I'll be in the show on the 15th; strong line up with Brad Binkley, Ed King, Chris Nik, and Anthony Todaro. Only $5. Doors open at 8:00PM, show at 8:30PM.