April 2008
In Jack’s Head - Short Film
I'm directing one day on a short comedy film this month, a spec pilot written by and starring Brad Binkley. First episode, "I'm A Comedian," introduces the struggling lead and his misfit friends. A 1-day shoot, lot's of fun, and especially pleased that, with my persistence, we wrapped the production on schedule!.
Improv Comedy - To Be Determined!
It raw-dog, unapologetic, improv comedy with your suggestions driving the party. I'm in 5 performances this month, at Relapse Theatre except where noted. $7, cash only, $5 with student id, show at 9:30 PM, doors open at 9:00.
Friday, 04/25
Anthony Todaro hosts the show with me, Kellan, Charles, and Joe in the cast.
Saturday, 04/19
Benefit show at Lenny's for Atlanta tornado victims. Me, Charles Islas, Steve Ford and Kellan Meador. $5 suggested donation.
Friday, 04/18
Ed King hosts the show tonight with Charles, Frogpie, Brad, Derek, Kellan, and me in the cast.
Friday, 04/11
Derek Mize hosts the show tonight with Jon, Brad, Charles, Ed, Anthony and me in the cast.
Friday, 04/04
Bob Wood hosts tonight with me, Jon, Lisa, Shellie, Charles, and Brad in the cast.
Richard Kickers - Improv Mixer
The Richard Kickers show mixes improvisors from around Atlanta, every Tuesday night at Relapse Theatre. I did the show 4 times this month. Only $5 cash. Doors open at 8:00PM, show at 8:30PM.
Tuesday 4/29
Tonight's performers: Chris Nick, Damien Dunn, Jillian Fratkin, Brad Binkley, Ed King and Yours Truly perform.
Tuesday 4/22
Tonight's performers: Chris Nick, Damien Dunn, Jillian Fratkin, Anthony Todaro, Ed King and Yours Truly perform.
Tuesday 4/08
Tonight's performers: Me, Chris, Brad, Ed, and Anthony.
Tuesday 4/01
It's a five-person cast of me, Damien Dunn, Chris Nick, Brad Binkley, and Jillian Fratkin.
Super Happy Fun Time Show - Short Film
One-day shoot, 04/19, filming scenes for an mixed improv / scetch show with Anthony Todaro, Brad Binkley, Dave Baldwin, and Brad Binkley as the giggilo-turned-talk-show-host.