
Stage Play

Written by Jean Babtiste Moliére
Translated by Richard Wilbur
Directed by Peg Shelton
Produced by Drama Tech
March 1990

In this translation the 18th century French classic about a lecherous monk, I played the family elder Cléante. Hated the Reformation-era costume but loved a multi-page monologue that included:

...just as there is nothing I more revere
Than a soul whose faith is steadfast and sincere...
So there is nothing I find more base
Than specious piety's dishonest face

It was a monologue that continued on for three pages of rhyming couplets, boring to sleep his brother Orgon (played by Jimmy Rose) ― a mixed blessing of stage time while being the butt of the joke.


Gerry Allen - M. Loyal / Officer
Janice Day - Flipote
Sheila Coker - Madame Pernelle
Troy Halverson - Cleante
David Jelinek - Damis
Cathy Kallfelz - Elmire
Courtney Roberts - Mariane
Jimmy Rose - Orgon
Lorraine Allen - Dorine
Wes Schrader - Tartuffe
John Tweel - Valere


Margaret 'Peg' Shelton - Director
Buck Newman, Jr. - Style Coach
C Edward 'Eddie' Maise - Stage Manager
Elizabeth Ann 'Sann' McKee - Assistant Stage Manager
Travis Halbrook - Assistant Stage Manager
Suzanne Tilleman - Assistant Stage Manager
Roy Magee, III - Set Designer
Dan Dougherty - Master Carpenter
Tharen Debold - Lighting Designer
Edward Hefter - Sound Crew Chief
Judy Winograd - Costume Consultant
Chris Andrews - House Manager
