
Feb Jan Dec

January 2013

Screenings and Distribution

The Bachelorette Project - Short

We'll be screening video that includes the first 10-minutes of the movie at The Bachelorette Project wrap party on the 25th. That and some supporting videos will be used for fundraising to make the rest of the film. You can see a teaser here or click the picture below for more behind-the-scenes info. There is a cast of lovely ladies in his comedy, but my heart goes out to the slew of wisecracking horndogs who fail to hook up, bless their hearts. Wait, silly me, as if comedians have hearts.


Horror Hotel Invader - Short

I'm working with Ricky Hess, Debbie Hess, and the folks at the Horror Hotel, a web series inspired by the old Twilight Zone and Alfred Hitchcock Presents series. The anthology is set for release later in the summer. I am in episode 4, Invader, which is a short sci-fi story we're filming this month. I am also planning to catch a screening of episode 3, "Houdini's Hand," at Get Connected on the 31st.

GED - Mixed Animation Short

Keeping with the alien theme, I'm collaborating on a spec animation pilot, GED, with Zach Cowan and Edgardo Santiago. The cartoon features three aliens who have been orbiting & monitoring Earth for years and, in spite of their advanced technology, are starting to crave some human distractions. I got in the studio this month doing voices for a handful of characters. The animation will probably take another month or two. It will be fun to add a cartoon to my voice-over demo reel.

IsmProv - Live Comedy

Come out to Tuesday, Jan 15th, for the next IsmProv show. We'll improvise a comic backstory to whatever big idea -- the 'ism' -- that we get from the audience. Last month it was Recidivism and I especially liked playing "Despair" as Gollum. Instead of devouring sweet Bilbo, however, I ate poor Tiny Tim. Now that's what I call a holiday show. 3041 N. Decatur Road, 8PM. $10. Hit me up for a 2-for-1 coupon.

Post Production

Morningside Monster - Feature

The folks at The Morningside Monster have been busy too: they have a teaser-trailer posted using the footage from their December shoot. If you watch carefully you'll catch a glimpse of me displaying my quixotic skills at playing perfectly still and absolutely dead. That coroner over me is director Chris Ethridge's cameo in the film. It was so much fun teasing him to break character during this scene; nothing quite like hearing a song from a corpse to get you giddy.

Pre Production

First Person Meets Third Person - Feature

With table reads this month, pre-production is wrapping up on Yellow Trigger Films next feature, First Person Meets Third Person, written by Dan Hunter. I'm playing a DEA cop who "is well-built...with chissled features". Even more of a stretch for me, this character is sympathetic so, obviously, the director is unfamiliar with my ouvre let alone my personal habits. The cast includes Maxim Gukhman who is currently performing the lead in Actors Express "Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson" through February 17th. Filming to begin after that show closes.



The Ludite and Minimalist in me took a body-blow this month: I traded in my flip phone for a smart phone. I've been resisting it until now because I desperately don't want to become one of those content addicts you see with their head down to their phone all the time. It seems social-media junkies are, ironically, often disconnected from the real social world -- checking out of their immediate world to surf the net for virtual experiences. It reminds me of the Rat Park addiction study that showed animals starving to death because they preferred the morphine button to the real food button. ...continued....


No Soliciting - Premiere

Will Dove's premiere of NO Soliciting packed The Plaza Theatre on Jan 3rd. A really funny comedy and I loved seeing so many familiar places, including some scenes shot at my old stomping ground, Relapse Theatre. It also is so great to see on the big screen actors I've had the pleasure to work with before, including Sean Decker, Tom Todaro, and Elle Trapkin. Congrats on making such a solid product. Will and I have been cast in another comedy, Zombie Ghost, which is currently in pre-production.

Get Connected

Thursday January 31st is the 2-year anniversary of the Get Connected event for Atlanta entertainment folks. Click image below for the Facebook event and loads of info. This will be the last one until March, when it will be at a new venue. One of the many short films screening is "Houdini's Hand" which is episode 3 in the Horror Hotel series. I just completed filming Episode 4, Invader, which will probably be screened at the March Get Connected.