
Aug Jul Jun

July 2013

Screenings and Distribution

Mr. Snuggles - Short

Three festivals in sixty days for Mr. Snuggles, in New York, California, and here in Georgia, starts July 6 at the Long Island Film Festival. Then it's at the Gwinnett Center International Film Festival on the 28th, along with several other films by director Byron Conrad Erwin. Woot!

The Bachelorette Project - Short

Trailer below was released this month for a comedy we filmed last December. The Bachelorette Project has already gotten into one film fest. It will be used as as a fund raising tool for a feature-length version of the characters.


Simon Maxwell Interrogator - Feature

I have a couple days on set this month for Simon Maxwell - Interrogator playing a piano teacher who got a bit too tough on a student. We're down to the last 15 pages with my character (we knocked out a 7-page scene in April) most of which is an exhausting interrogation scene that does not go well for teacher.


A Year Making Films

This month marks an anniversary: a year ago I left a job at marketing agency to do more acting, giving up a role as a technical project manager for some two dozen roles in various indie films and videos. A round-up of that activity, and several sample clips, is here.

J. Pervis Talent Agency

With a great reputation in Atlanta, the J. Pervis Talent Agency is now representing me. I'm really looking forward to working with Joy and the team and getting on some of the bigger productions being made now in Georgia.

Blank Page Screenwriters Workshop

At the July 9th meeting of the Blank Page Screenwriter's workshop one of the scripts read was Mitchell McLeans's "No Body's Perfect." It is a fun 14-page comedy set in the Frankestein genre (funny to think that is a genre). Michael Scimeca read for "Franklin Stein" and I was Fritz the hunchback with echos of Kip from Futurama. The Monster didn't have any lines. Interesting feedback from the group, like perhsaps producing the story as an animation instead of live action. Anyway, it was fun reading with Michael in something that felt like "Young Frankenstein".

Ask Chef Christy - Cooking Teasers

I got to help grip some short cooking teasers for on July 5th. Best of all, I also got to be a guest for tasting her gourmet creations and a trial run of her tasting party event -- in this case specialty olive oils, vinegars (and a bit of chocolate). If you're interested in learning more about great cooking andf tasting parties, do check out the very talented Chef Christy and her blog.

Dreamhost - Atlanta Mixer

Geeking out with the folks from my hosting service at Ormby's on July 11th...and some free drinks and food. I've been using DreamHost for about five years now and they're doing a customer appreciation road show. I keep telling myself I need to learn more about all the stuff they make available (I like the idea of becoming a cloud architect using their OpenStack stuff) but, for now, sadly, this site might be the best I can do.


The Third Letter - Short

Award winning 2010 sci-fi short by Grzegorz Jonkajtys and Bastiaan Koch follows the human tragedy of a guy who falls behind on his prosthetics payments. There's just a touch of CG and just one on-screen actor in a powerful performance. I've added it to my list of favorite sci-fi shorts. It deserved to be made into a feature but 2010 also saw the release of Repo Man which used the same premise. Unlike this short, Repo Man relied on a rote Hollywood screenplay, indifferent directing, and gratuitous gore (and was a box-office flop). That's too bad because a feature-length version of The Third Letter could have been a classic of Blade Runner caliber.