
Jun May Apr

May 2016

Screenings and Distribution

60,000 views for Hope

Very cool: a science fiction short film I am in with Amor Owens has racked up 60K views in less than 3 months. Hope is a tight story, with a bit of greenscreen work for outer space, and some beautiful computer graphics. This is now my 3rd most popular video on YouTube (after Human Supply and Anatomy Of Love). Also neat to see it has a lively (and sometimes hilarious) comments thread. Directed by Frank Anderson; produced by Guts & Style Films.

Decent Humans - Funny or Die

Neat to see one of the Decent Humans shorts I did last year is getting some premium exposure on the home page this month. I just wish I knew how they pick them.

American Violence - Feature

Winner of the 2013 Film of the Year by the Georgia Latino Film Festival, American Violence is on Cox, Comcast, and mess of other channels starting this month. I have an under-five role in it as muscle for a Russian mafioso.